Is cannabis really a drug ?

by Anne Laure (May 2, 2005)


Even if no physiological dependence were found, 5 to 10% of consumers are addicted, at least psychologically.
Now the dangers of cannabis are well known :
- car accidents because of a fall of vigilance
- panic attitude
- madness
- paranoia
- difficulties to be concentrated
- hallucinations
And also, the risk of diseases like cancer or breathing problems because of the tar in the smoke.

 So cannabis is at the same time a drug but also a toxic product. And that’s why it is forbidden by the law!
However, is it a good decision when you know that in Holland this substance is allowed to be smoked and you have less smokers... ?
And how about making a comparison with alcohol which is not really recognised as a drug but which is responsible also for many car accidents and crazy attitudes... ?
As a result, why not cannabis at home, to relax or to sleep at night???

Another article on cannabis by Baptiste.

If you wish to react to this article, write to the editor.

Sept 28, 2005

We think you are right. There are as many as accidents because of alcohol. We think that cannabis isn't such a dangerous drug like speed or cocain e.g. I think there are many teenagers who like cannabis.

Chrissi & Jaci (Menden, Germany)