by Vincent (Jan 7, 2005)

I think everybody has heard about cloning!
This article will be better with a debate!

Are you For or Against ? Maybe you don't have any suggestion or you're not for, but also not against! It's a very important fact in our society.

Not a long time ago, on the 11th August 2004, Britain agreed to the cloning of embryos! The English authority authorized this investigation to allow the curing of incurable diseases ! But how can we be sure it’s just for medical ends?

Have you ever seen the film "The Island"?

The first people who discovered how to do it were Japanese scientists but they decided to stop because they didn’t want to be responsible for a Clone World War.

An American representative said , « I don’t really care about cloning just a part of the body, I would like to have human cloning allowed. It will allow to have children without problems !!! »

But in the world, so many children don’t have a real life just because they don’t have any parent !!!!

Here's a little diagram which explains briefly how cloning works, based on genetic information:

1. extraction of the genetic information from a patient’s cell.
2. enucleated oocyte
3. embryo obtained by transfer of the patient’s genetic information in the enucleated oocyte
4. differentiation in:
a. neurons
b. liver cells
c. skin cells
d. heart muscle cells


And remember , tests are done on animals. Is it legal too ?

This article doesn’t intend to say what is legal or not, but to know if the readers of this magazine agree or not.

Save life ou create human life. 

Do you think it is a good idea???

If you wish to answer this question, write to the editor.

Jan 17, 2006

What can we say about it ? Is there only one answer to this question? In my view, cloning is not a good thing because if scientists succeed in cloning somebody, I think that the human who is cloned will lose his real identity and his personality.
Now, when you think about the "human" who is created, what life can he have without any marks in this world? He will be dependent on his original ! I can compare him with a slave or a machine ! Is this life worth being lived ?? Will his life be better than Frankenstein's creature's life?
Finally, I'm going to take an answer from a famous question asked by Shakespeare : "To be or not to be? that is the question" . So it's very good to succeed in cloning somebody, but it's very bad to live when you are this somebody !!

Anis (Blois, YGTP)

Jan 21, 2006

Cloning to save life is an interesting prospect. But if it starts from a "good feeling" we mustn't cross the border: if it works, everybody will want more and more. Who knows what can happen. A human clone will first be a human being, not just an experiment of laboratory.We can't decide life and death.This is my point of view.

Coline (Blois, YGTP)